A New Year/ New Hunting Season

 The whitetails have to deal with the predators, which range from coyotes, bears, wolves, and cougars.  But perhaps the hardest factor is the possibility of a extremely cold winter with a heavy snowfall.  We have a young deer population following the harsh 2012-13  and 2013-14 winters.  The 2014-15 winter favoured the whitetails and we saw a tremendous improvement in the overall size of our deer.  The 2015-16 winter has started out extremely well.  Warm temperatures and a lack of snow should provide our deer population with the opportunity to mature another year and with that should bring a healthy crop of fawns and of course some bruiser whitetails cruising the stands.  Our plan is to not over harvest our deer population.  We spread out our stands and although we have the legal capability to take 25 hunters we plan on only taking 12 hunters for the 2016 deer season in order to increase the chances that every hunter gets an opportunity at harvesting a world class whitetail that Saskatchewan has gained a reputation for as well as leaving that next crop of animals with the chance to mature to the next level of greatness.
The Bears have an extremely healthy population.  A population that hasn't been hunted by a guided hunter since 2002 has had time to grow and mature.  This spring will be an opportunity to hunt a untapped bear population.  There are no shortage of animals and with that comes a crop of big bruisers as well.  In the spring of 2015 we set out 4 baits just to get a few photo's and see what we saw.  All four baits had big bruins and multiple animals on them.  There was also 5 different coloured bears ranging from a mega chocolate bear to younger ones as well.  I can't wait to see what we find when we spread out and add several more baits to the mix.  There will also be the opportunity for a spot and stalk fall bear hunt as well.  Contact me for availability and pricing.


  1. We are beginning to turn our thoughts to next season and wanted to share with you. Deer Scents


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