The elusive "Ricky" on the radar but one step ahead this spring

When it comes to huge bears any color will do but a giant color phase would be an exceptional prize for any hunter.  When Ricky first appeared in the spring of 2015 we were mesmerized by just how impressive this bear is.
The spring of 2016 came with a completely different set of circumstances.  The bears awoke from their dens to find buds on the tree's in plentiful amounts.  This made for a slow start on the baits.  Any droppings we found were completely black from all the greens being ingested and it took them a while to turn to the meat.  At this point Ricky was no where to be seen.
It wasn't until the night of May 16th when he first appeared on the camera, roughly 8 miles from where we had seen him in 2015.  We had a hunter on him the first chance we got.  Ricky did not show, although the reports of a bear barking at 100 yards away behind the stand one night and then the same bark at 30 yards the next night, something that would send shivers down the spine of the most experienced bear hunter.  The hunter Bill Hendershot reported he could read the fear on the smaller bears faces as they approached the blue drum.
Ricky has made it through the 2016 spring season and you can count on one thing we will be looking for him in 2017 along with the other tanks we crossed paths with and didn't connect on this season.
Giants are roaming here and we can't wait to get back after them next season.


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